This photo reminded me of the patriotic nature of our city of Ferndale, Ca., and of the two bald eagle that have taken up residence here. (See our earlier Ferndale blog, below). Also, our recent annual observance of Memorial Day, with its great parade and the townspeople following it up to the cemetery to participate in our Memorial Service, has placed me in a mood of great appreciation for our American way of life.
This has prompted me to suggest that if you plan to be in this area in the next month or so, why not make it on July 4th, and get a taste of how small town America celebrates our national birthday? If you're nearby anyway, enjoying a California Redwoods vacation or simply reading a redwoods blog, treat yourself to a side trip and come on in to town...and get a patriotism fix! Here's the line up:
Rides - Parade - Picnic - Show - Fireworks!
Independence Day Fire Engine Rides. Ferndale Volunteer Firefighters celebrate with an old-fashioned treat for the kids: a free ride on a gleaming fire engine. 10 a.m. to noon.
Parade. Ferndale Repertory Theatre, assisted by Ferndale Kiwanis and the Chamber of Commerce, organize an artful Independence Day parade at noon.
Picnic. Ferndale Rotary Club cooks up an Independence Day picnic after the parade. Hot dogs or burgers (including veggie burger option), potato salad, beans and Humboldt Creamery ice cream with chocolate syrup. Hot dog meal, $4; burger meal, $6.
Patriotic Musical Revue, "Celebrate America." This very popular 4th of July show begins at the Ferndale Repertory Theatre at 3 p.m. and features the Scotia Band under the direction of Michael McClimon and Betty Diehl conducting the Chameleon Singers.
Fireworks! Bear River Casino organizes a fireworks display for the family to watch from the grandstands at the fairgrounds in Ferndale.
On second thought, don't just come for the day..,come and stay with us in The Victorian Inn or Redwood Suites for the whole weekend! You could sure do worse in celebrating the 4th of July! And if you're a visitor from another country, you are especially welcome. We would love to share this colorful and wonderful holiday with you.