As many visitors to our Ferndale blog already know. the historic Candystick building was a total loss to an early morning fire last September. Now, its' restoration is nearly complete and should be occupied by new tenants by mid-June, 2009. This restoration has been a labor of love to prevent the city of Ferndale, Ca. from losing one of it acclaimed beauties. 

DCI Builders have been the contractors for most of the work, while the beautifully re-created architectural accent pieces have been lovingly restored by Marc Daniels, the son of Victorian Inn owners.
The new retail occupant will be Karen Pingitore and her Ferndale Clothing Company, as she combines her current three locations under one roof. So now we have a great new building and a great new tenant. So, on your next California Redwoods vacation, stop and take a look at an old new building. And stop in to say hi to us, too!